Botanical Wisdom Workshop
12:00 PM12:00

Botanical Wisdom Workshop

In this workshop, Austin artist Paloma Mayorga will lead participants in a series of creative exercises to explore and share memories attached to plants. Together, we will tap into our botanical wisdom, or bits of inherited knowledge that have been passed down generations of women as tools for healing and survival.

These stories will contribute to the content featured in an upcoming zine the artist will produce and publish this summer. Additionally, participants will build a custom tea blend to take home with them and receive a complimentary copy of the zine later this fall!

A special thank you to The Projecto for hosting this workshop

Reserve your spot for the workshop below!

This project is supported in part by the City of Austin Economic Development Department.

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Fresh from the Studio
6:00 PM18:00

Fresh from the Studio

Women & Their Work presents a special edition of Fresh from the Studio featuring artists Paloma Mayorga, Mayuko Ono Gray, and Sara Vanderbeek who will all be exhibiting work in the upcoming Red Dot Art Spree. In this virtual format, artists will share work in progress, newly finished artworks, and recent or upcoming projects. Each presentation will be about 10 minutes with time for your questions and comments afterwards. To receive the Zoom link, RSVP here.


Red Dot Art Spree is Women & Their Work’s highly anticipated event featuring over 150 artists’ work available to collectors at all levels. Along with featuring some of the best contemporary artists in Texas and beyond, Red Dot includes a silent auction with art-inspired travel getaways and experiences, music and entertainment. With fabulous appetizers and cocktails, this is the perfect occasion for artists, collectors, and creatives to come together for a night of artistic celebration! Mark your calendar for Thursday, September 30th for the first Red Dot event in their new home. Proceeds from Red Dot will allow them to introduce 1,000 underserved students in the Austin area to the joy and wonder of contemporary art. Purchase tickets here.


Women & Their Work is a nonprofit visual and performing arts organization located in Central Austin that serves as a catalyst for new ideas in contemporary art created by women living and working in Texas and beyond. For over 40 years, Women & Their Work has brought groundbreaking art to Austin, with exhibitions, performances, and educational workshops.

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to Mar 25


Join Artpace and celebrate National Poetry Month! 

 Artpace has partnered with National Poetry Month San Antonio to provide an Ekphrastic Poetry Mini-Workshop and asks you to write a poem in response to Paloma Mayorga’s print series Semillas (Seeds).  

Beginning March 8, an Ekphrastic Poetry Mini-Workshop Guide will be available online at (guide also below). The public is asked to submit their poems responding to Semillas through March 25. Selected poems will be highlighted throughout National Poetry Month in April. 

Mini-Workshop: Writing an Ekphrastic Poem in Response to a Visual Work of Art 

What is an ekphrastic poem? 

In simplest terms, an ekphrastic poem is one written in response to another art form:  a visual work of art; a piece of music or dance, etc. For purposes of this National Poetry Month mini-workshop, write a response to a visual work of art. Examples of famous ekphrastic poems are: Ode to a Grecian Urn by John Keats; Nine Nectarines and Other Porcelain by Marianne Moore; and The Starry Night by Ann Sexton.  

Tips for writing an ekphrastic poem 

  • Choosing one artwork that you respond to (touches, puzzles, frightens, clarifies) is key.

  • Go broad or go small: Write about the scene as a whole—or focus on a specific detail.

  • Choose an approach—there is no right or wrong way to write your poem:

  • Write as an outsider: Write from the perspective of a “narrator”—how you are moved by the scene or subject depicted in the artwork as an objective observer (not just a description of what you see).

  • Write as an insider: Imagine yourself standing “inside” the artwork, then write in the subjective voice of the person or objects shown.

 Your assignment 

  1. Select an artwork that moves you from the participating exhibiting venues listed below.

  2. Study the artwork online. It might help to jot down notes about the details.

  3. When you’re ready, reflect on the artwork you chose, review your notes, then write one poem that reflects your response (How does the artwork affect you? Why?).

  4. Keep the poem to no more than 15 lines (not including the title).

  5. By March 25, send your poem as an attached Word doc directly to the art venue at the appropriate email listed below. Subject Line: Ekphrastic Workshop Poem (Your Name). Venues may choose to display or share some poems.

Participating art venues 

Artpace Instagram:, email:  

Blue Star web:,Instagram: @bluestarart;, email: 

 Say Si web:, Instagram: @saysi_sa, email: 

The Carver Community Cultural Center web:, email: 

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